There will be #storagebeers at SNW Europe this coming week and for once, I'll be in attendance for beers outside of the UK.
These will at the Champions Bar at the Marriott opposite the Congress Centre where SNW Europe is taking place in Frankfurt starting from about 7:30 on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th October. I'm looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible either at #storagebeers or at the actual event.
I should thank the team at SNW Europe for making my attendance at the event possible as they are picking up my flights and my hotel bill.
We are also talking about arranging UK #storagebeers to celebrate the festive season later in the year; keep a look-out here and on twitter for news on these.
And next year, we hope to do rather more with #storagebeers and perhaps do some more 'formal events'.
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